
Daunting TBR or spoilt for choice?

I have two sets of full bookshelves, and two stacks of books that I haven't read yet, ranging from things like Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo to Cujo by Stephen King, there are at least over 120 books between them. And today I bought two more books. Tomorrow I plan on buying another one. I also have like five on order. I can't stop myself. It's such an obsession, an expensive obsession, but I love it. 

Most of the time when I'm close to finishing a book, I have a rough idea about what I want to read next. Sometimes I actually follow through with that idea, and sometimes I completely change my mind because maybe a new book has come out, maybe someone suggested something to me, or maybe I just fancied something different. For instance, I made a bit of a plan for the next couple of months. I'm currently reading three books at the same time, Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, Red Rising by Pierce Brown, and Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas. I started reading Red Rising quite a while ago and I've been struggling to pick it back up. It's written well, I really like all the unique language and world building, but something about it just isn't grabbing me. As I went to YALC this year and picked up an early copy of Nevernight, I couldn't stop myself from starting it asap despite already reading two other books. And last, I've only just started reading Queen of Shadows in preparation for meeting Sarah J Maas in October in London. My plan was to read Heir of fire (which I've done), Queen of Shadows, and Empire of Storms, all by Sarah J Maas. 

After I've caught up with all of those, I plan on reading either Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, or The Graces by Laure Eve. BUT- I may just change my mind! I know some people are so completely stressed when they have a massive TBR, like they feel pressured to read their books as fast as they can in order to 'catch up', but I really like just having so many books to choose from! It's like visiting a small library, lots of choices. I feel like if I only had five books that I hadn't read and I didn't fancy any of them, I would be very frustrated and end up forcing myself to read something I wasn't really in the mood for. 

Maybe some people view it as a task, like how they say to eat five fruits and veg a day because it's good for you. Unless that's part of your daily routine then eating that amount can definitely be a task! 
But reading shouldn't be. If you've bought a book with the intention of losing yourself in another world, then don't force yourself to be in that other world! Enjoy it! Pick it up when you feel like it! You don't have to read just because it's 'good for you'. Read because you like it. And soon you'll be like me, reading because it's literally your life force. 

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