
This heat is killing me

I am not a lover of hot weather. I don't like the humidity, the sun blinding you early in the morning, the bugs, the sunburn, having no suitable clothes to keep you cool, and sleepless nights. ugh. I hate hot weather. 

love cold weather. I love orange sky sunsets, crunchy autumn leaves, apple spices, christmas candles, gloves, scarves, hats, boots, hazelnut hot chocolate, pumpkins, warm fleeces, soft blankets, buying presents, spice cakes, christmas pudding, slipper socks, spooky scary skeletons, big coats, The Craft, christmas songs, fairy lights, wrapping presents, Elf, early nights, snow, rain, frosty windows, onesies, and many many more things. If I continued to list everything I love about autumn/winter we would be here forever. In fact after writing that sentence I added a few more things. I can't wait for the chilly weather to get here. I can't wait to sit in my chair covered in blankets, sip winter spice tea, and watch all the movies. And I can't wait to wear all my thick jackets and coats that have been hanging up in my wardrobe, neglected for so long. 

Summer is basically a period of time where I'm grumpy, dehydrated, too hot, and overtired. So expect much happier posts in the future. Probably lots of recipes, movie reviews, maybe some outfits, and definitely some decorating. Oh, and there will 100% be some Halloween hauls. I'm so excited. 

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